Item No. (i): The particulars of its’ organisation, functions and it’s duties.
Organisation : On partition of country in 1947, the erstwhile Bengal and Assam Railway was also divided on the basis of new political boundary and as a result – Railways network on N.E. was reconstructed as “ASSAM RAILWAYS” w.e.f. AUGUST,1947 with Hd.Qr. at PANDU (at MALIGAON). On April 14, 1952 Railways were nationalised and under reorganization the entire Assam Railway system was made part of new Rly. zone i.e. North Eastern Railway, with HQ at Gorakhpur. Further, to give greater impetus to the development of the Northeast on 15th JANUARY, 1958 a new zone NORTHEAST FRONTIETR RAILWAY was formed with its HQ at Maligaon.
In 1971, for socio-economic and balanced development of entire North East (NE) region Govt. of India through an Act in Parliament set up “NORTH EASTERN COUNCIL”. NEC demanded the rail net work development of N.E. States, neighboring Assam in the Hilly terrain and accordingly in 1979 Govt. of India decided to connect each of the six Hill states with Railway line. NEC also decided to construct a 3 KM long Road Bridge across River Brahmaputra at Tezpur and to entrust the work of construction of Bridge to Railways on DEPOSIT term.
With such big thrust in Railway construction projects in N.E. areas, Ministry of Railway created a separate construction unit headed by General Manager at Guwahati in 1979 for better management, control and monitoring these new projects. Construction organization as its HQ at Maligaon/Guwahati and field units are set up as per requirement of projects. HQ and field organization is indicated in Organisation Chart.
Function : Surveys and Construction of major Rly. projects sanctioned by Ministry of Railways for the development of Northeast Region like New Railway lines, Gauge conversion of existing MG lines, doubling of existing lines and other major work of setting up Rlys infrastructure falling in jurisdiction of Northeast Frontier Railway zone.
Duties: Planning & execution of various projects as per priorities and funds given by Ministry of Railways maintaining liaison with zonal Rlys and local authorities. To monitor and ensure that works carried out are of standard quality and are completed as per laid down targets.
Item No. (ii): Powers and duties of its’ officers and employees:
The Organisation has different layers of officers and staff and they derive their powers from Schedule of Powers and further delegation by GM from time to time. Duties are as per relevant Manuals & codes which are assigned to various staff by their controlling officers as per administrative requirement of project.
Item no. (iii): The Procedure followed in its decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability. The duties performed by Officers are of Supervisory and decision making in nature as per provision in Schedule of Power.
Item No. (iv) : The norms for discharge of functions are stipulated in the documents like Vigilance notices, transfer policies, DAR, promotion rules, refund rules, claims etc. which can be found on Indian Railways website under different Directorates.
Item No. (v): Rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records used by its employees for discharging its functions: Documensare available in the website of Indian Railways.
Item No. (vi) : Categories of documents.
Construction Organisation work has been organized under various functional department i.e. Finance, Civil Engg., Signal & Telecom. Engg. , Electrical Engg. Stores, Operations and Personnel branch who take care of respective functions in a co-ordinated way under GM to carry out various construction projects. Vigilance functions are supported by Vigilance cell working under GM/NFR. HODs working under administrative control of GM/Const. are the tech. head of respective department who deal the subjects as per SOP and provide directions to field units. In this regard, code, Manuals, guide lines etc. as published/notified by Ministry of Railways help in decision making deptt.wise.
List of Codes / Manuals: Documents are available on Indian Railways website under different Directorates.
Field units are headed by Junior Administrative officers and are assigned work of specific projects. The field work is supervised by GM/HODs/Sr.officers through field inspection, co-ordination meetings and periodic reviews. Field units submit monthly position of working of their units indicating progress & constraints and assistance to HQ office.
Project works are executed largely through contract. Project details are first worked out based on site conditions and detailed estimates are prepared and processed for sanction of Competent Authorities. Further based on planning of work and availability of funds, tender for separate element of work are finalised and agency fixed entering into contract agreement. Progress is further supervised in field to facilitate timely completion of work as per tech requirements and specifications of work. Before commissioning the new line/assets involvement public carriage of passenger statutory inspection/approval is obtained from independent body of Commissioner of Rly. Safety for ensuring safety in train operation. The completed projects are then handed over to Zonal Rly.(NFR) for operation and maintenance.
Item No. (vii) : The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by the member of public, in relation to the formulation of policy or implementation thereof:
Zonal Railway Consultative Committee (ZRUCC) is functioning to give suggestions at Zonal Level. Similarly, Divisional Railway Users Consultative Committee (DRUCC) is functioning at the Divisional Level.
Item No. (vii) : Statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted by it. Additionally, information as to whether the meetings of these are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible to the public: Formal and Informal Consultative Committee of Hon'ble MPs (constittuted by Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs) visits and holds discussions internally. Its meetings and the minutes thereof are not open/accessible to public.
Item No. (ix) : Directory of its officers and employees.
Item No.(x): Monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations;
Item No.(xi): The budget allocated to each of its agency indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditure and reports on disbursement made- Budget allotment as received from Ministry of Railways for various projects are distributed among concerned filed units. The Budget Allotment is available in the website of Indian Railways at .
Item No. (xii): Manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details and beneficiaries of such programmes;
Not applicable in NF Railway (Construction).
Item No. (xiii): Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorisation granted by it: Not applicable to NF RAilway (Construction).
Item No. (xiv): Details of the information available to, or held by it, reduced in an electronic form;
The information available in Construction web site No. are as under :
(i) Information regarding tenders and contracts
(ii) Major project under construction, progress of works on hand, projects completed, investment made.
(iii) Achievements with details of Outlay, Expenditure and Milestones
(iv) Bill Status
(v) Registration of Contractors and Suppliers
Item No. (xv): Particulars of facilities available to citizen for obtaining information, including working hours of library or reading room, if maintained for public use - Not applicable to this Organisation.
Item No. 16 : Names designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers;
The names, designation and other particulars of Appellate Authority Public Information Officer and Asstt. Public Information Officers are mentioned below:
Appellate Authority : Sri P.K Khatriya, CAO/CON-1/MLG
Chief Public Information Officer :Sri S.Sengupta, Dy.CE/CON/Tunnel
Public Information Officer : As per Annexure-1
Public Information officers – At Field offices.
Sri Sarma Ram Boro, Dy.Fa & CAO/CON-3
Sri Gunin Choudhury, XEN/CON/IC/AGTL
Sri Ajay Kr Verma, Dy.CE/CON/APDJ
Sri Shivram Meena, Dy.CE/CON/NJP
Sri Gaurav Singh, Dy.CE/CON/KIR-1
Sri Kushal Dutta,AXEN/CON/JPZ
Sri Pinku, Dy.CE/CON/JRBM-2
Sri Manoj Kr. Meena, Dy.CE/CON/Imphal-2
Sri Jilendra Kr. Sharma, Dy.CSC/CON/MLG
Sri Rajesh Ranjan Kumar, RA/CON/MLG
Sri R.C.Paul, Dy.CE/CON/Track/MLG
Sri Mukesh Kr Jha, Dy.CMM/CON/MLG
Sri Harish Chandra, Dy.CE/CON/LMG-1
Sri Amol ingle Chandrakant, Dy.CE/CON/Survey/MLG
Sri P.S.Sarkar, Dy.COM/CON-1/MLG
Sri Jaydip Chakrabarti, Dy.CE/CON/Budget
Sri V.Hauzel, Dy.CE/CON/D-1/MLG
Sri Subhanan Chanda, Dy.CE/CON/Kohima
Sri Saurabh Kumar, Dy.CE/CON/DMV-1
Sri Ayan Majumder, LO/CON/MLG
Sri Pankaj Yadav, Dy.CE/CON/Passighat
Sri P.K.Heera, Dy.CME/CON/MLG
Smt. Neelo Kumari, Dy.CE/CON/PL-1/MLG
Sri Badal Sing Rana, Dy.CE/CON/MLG-1
Sri Mukesh Gutam, Dy.CE/CON/MLG-3,4&5
Sri Deva Kanta Boro, AEE/Con/MLG
Sri Dipak Kumar Gupta, Dy.CEE/CON/RE-1/HQ/MLG
Sri Rupendra Chakraborty, APO/CON/MLG